Importing Property Unit Data
The Property Unit Detail data import process offers you the ability to import all of the property unit details for each real estate lease. A unit detail row is required for each real estate lease in your portfolio. Multiple unit detail rows can be added for each real estate lease, if appropriate.
Import Order | Level | Data Field | Required /Optional | Comment |
9 | Lease | Units | Required - Real Estate Leases Only | Properties must be imported prior to the Property Units |
We will not go into the step by step instructions in this tutorial. All imports are generally the same process which you can find in the step by step guidance on adding your lease data.
Importing Lease Property Unit Detail data
Click on the Units icon on the Dashboard to begin the import process
Click on the Export Template to create an "iLeasePro Smart Template" for the Unit Data Import to enter the property units for each lease within your lease portfolio. We call these templates "Smart" because they pre-populated with key iLeasePro data that you can select in a dropdown.
The equipment detail import template will be downloaded onto your desktop. Open the template and add your equipment detail data to the template. Highlighted yellow fields are required. Click here for the details on the Property Unit Detail Data Descriptions and Dropdown fields.
Note: You cannot simply cut and paste from one worksheet into the iLeasePro Smart Template because this will over write the dropdown selections. The dropdown selectors provide iLeasePro with the key index value of the selected field. But any field value that does not have a dropdown can be cut/pasted from another worksheet.
Once the download is completed, save the completed template to your desktop. Record the location so that you can easily upload the file in the next step.
Click on the Import icon and either drag the import template file onto the page or select "Browse for file" to upload the excel template
Once the template is imported, the data will be displayed for verification. Review all pages and fix any errors that may have been found. Click "Save" to start the import process.
Click "Yes" to continue or "Cancel" to stop the import process.
The import process will begin and you when completed the import data will be updated with the actual number of rows that have been imported.
To verify the imported Lease data
In iLeasePro, go to the sidebar menu link for Leases and select a Real Estate lease to review
Using the Jump To menu, select Property / Unit
The imported property unit detail data will be displayed on the Unit tab
You can also view the imported Unit data using the Lease Property Units Listing Report