Step 2 - Understanding iLeasePro's General Navigation Approach
General Navigation through iLeasePro
1. Company Branding: The Company Name is displayed on every page of the application and is hyperlinked back to the Dashboard
2. Page Header Information & Links
- Date: Current date will be displayed as shown above
- Welcome User Name: The first name of the current user
- My Profile: User profile page to update Name, Email Address, Critical Date Notifications and change password.
- Admin: For users designated as Administrators. Links administrator to iLeasePro Administration pages
- Help: Link to external support website with detail help, ticketing and knowledge base.
- Logout: If selected any cleanup that is required will be completed and the user will be logged out of the application
3. Sidebar Menu. The sidebar menu is available and each of these links are on every page throughout the application.
- Dashboard – If available, click on Dashboard to display the Dashboard page
- Leases - Click on Leases to display lease detail pages
- Documents – Click on Documents to display all documents that have been uploaded for this account
- Reports – Click Reports to go to Report Center
- Contacts – Click on Contacts to show all contacts for account
4. Change Lease. Available on all lease detail pages, select the Change Lease dropdown to quickly move across leases within your portfolio.
5. Lease Title and Notes. Every lease detail page will display the current lease name and will display a notepad that when clicked on will link to a page to allow the user to add notes regarding the lease.
6. Help Page Description and Section Help. Most every page will have a heading description that offers a general overview of the current page. In addition, any page with sections will include a question mark in the section bar that when clicked will display detail help for that section.
7. Documents. Every detail lease page will include a Documents section that allows the user to upload any type of electronic document that will be associated/linked with that section category for the current lease.
8. Lease Snapshot. The Lease Snapshot allows a user that makes a change to a lease take a snapshot of the lease data to create a historical record of the lease and allow for auditing and tracking of changes to a lease. These changes can be viewed in the History page of each lease.
9. Footer. The footer of each page includes links to external resources including the iLeasePro public website, the support site, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Payment terms.