Account Setting - Managing Lease Portfolio Setup
Account Settings – Managing Your Lease Portfolio
If your subscription plan includes the Portfolio Setup feature you, as the administrator, will need to set up and maintain your lease portfolio. The Portfolio feature is a powerful tool that you can use to organize your lease portfolio and required in order to create consolidated amortization tables and general ledger entries to comply with the lease accounting changes.
The features in Accounting Setting – Portfolio Setup include;
- Adding and Deleting Groups and SubGroups
- Assigning and managing the leases within Groups and SubGroups
The Portfolio feature of iLeasePro allows you and your firm to organize all of your leases, both real estate and equipment, into a portfolio structure to allow for detailed analysis, enhanced organization and reporting and to comply with the lease accounting standards.
From a user management perspective, combining the Portfolio feature with the User Entitlement feature will give you the ability to enhance the lease management process by consolidating only those leases that can or should be managed by a specific user or specific group of users.
Whether you represent a global company with multiple remote locations or a domestic company with multiple branch locations, the Portfolio feature of iLeasePro will work for you.
Note: You must have a minimum of one lease in each group that is created.
Portfolio Setup
- Add and Manage Groups
- Manage Leases in a Group
- Add SubGroup
- Add and Manage Subgroups
- Manage Leases in a Subgroup
Add New Group
To add a new Group, click on the Add group button as show below
A new row will be displayed. Enter in the new group name as indicated by the arrow below, then click on the Save button.
Delete Group
To delete a Group, click on the trash can button as show below
Managing Groups
To select a Group to modify, scroll over the Group name. The row will highlight display the Group edit (the pen) and the Manage Leases buttons as show below.
Editing the Group Name
To edit the name of the Group, click on the edit button and the text box will open up with the current Group name. To change the Group name, retype the name you would like and click on the Save button.
Managing Leases within a Group
Adding Leases to a Group
Click on the Manage Leases button for the Group you would like to add leases to. A new page will be displayed with the Group Name in the top heading and the Add Lease button.
Click the Add Lease button and a page should be displayed with all of the available leases that can be added to the Group.
Click on the Add button to the right of each lease you would like to add to this Group.
When done adding, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Done button to close this page.
If you are done, click on the “Back to Portfolio Setup” link next to the Group name at the top of the page to return to the main page.
Delete a Lease from a Group
To Delete a Lease from a group, click on the trash can to the right of the lease to delete.