Release 24.01.01
The following updates, bug fixes, enhancements were released in 24.01.01 on January 7, 2024
- The Lease PaymentDue report did not include the test for an Early Term Lease and the payments were displayed to the expiration date of the lease when they should have stopped prior or equal to the to the early term date. Totals by lease were added and the Report name was changed to Lease Payment By Due Date Report.
- Copy Lease. This release fixes the issue in the Copy Lease function. This function calls sub-functions that read the "copy-from" lease data and copies into the respective tables creating a new lease with the copied data. Each sub-function uses a foreach to write multiple rows, if required, to the new lease tables. The bug was that we were storing the data in a multidimensional array and then inserting from the array within the foreach, creating multiple versions of the data. The fix moved the insert outside the foreach.
- Cost Center Fix. The Cost Center Copy from Lease feature was allowing users to copy cost centers (or dimensions) for all leases. A fix was required to restrict the list of lease to copy from to be within the current lease's subsidiary/operating entity group.