Dimension Verification Report (For Sage Intacct Users)
The Dimension Verification Report should be used each time any Dimensions are downloaded from Sage Intacct. If a lease has been linked to specific Dimensions and any of those Dimensions where removed or had a status change from Active to Inactive, the lease in iLeasePro will continue to include the Dimension in its journal entry uploads. This report performs that analysis to identify any of these conflicts and displays the lease and the general ledger accounts that require updates.
The report can be refined using the Dimensions filter to select individual Dimensions you may be interested in reviewing.
You can export this report data into a csv file.
In the example below; the lease Fed Trust Annapolis Master Lease had Location 300 and Department 10060 linked to all of the General Ledger Accounts within the lease. We set both of these Dimensions to "Inactive" in Sage Intacct. This report displays a list of the leases with conflicts and the details below.
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To Resolve Conflicts
1. Click on each lease link that requires updating
2. You will be directed to the Dimensions tab within the lease and you will see that all of the Dimensions with conflicts have lost the link and will not be visible. These require updating. See Entering and Maintaining Dimensions (For Sage Intacct Users) for further guidance on updating the Dimensions.