Entering and Managing Contacts
This tutorial page will instruct you on using the Contact Management feature at the Account Level and also at the Lease level. For iLeasePro general navigation instructions, please visit the QuickStart General Navigation page.
Using the iLeasePro Contact Management Feature
The iLeasePro Contact Management feature allows the user to associate and manage the resources associated with the leases.
There are two levels of contact information within iLeasePro; at the Account Level and at the Lease Level. Contact information should be entered at the Account Level. Once the information has been entered at the Account level this contact information can be assigned to any lease within the account. This allows for changes once (at the Account level) and those changes are applied across every lease that has the contact assigned.
Account Level Contact Management
To add a new contact, click on the Contacts link in the side navigation bar, shown by the red arrow below.
Click on the Add New button, shown by the red arrow below.
A popup window will be displayed and to allow you to enter in the contact information. Once the Company Name and Contact information is entered, click on Save to store the contact.
Once stored, you will be displayed the list of contacts associated with the account. The contact information can be changed by clicking on the edit button (the pencil) or deleted by click on the Delete button (the trash can).
Lease Level Contact Management
Contacts and the role they are performing can be specified at the lease level. To add a contact to a lease, click on the Contact tab within the lease menu, shown below by the red arrow.
To link a contact to the lease, first select the contact from the dropdown list labeled Add Contact to Lease.
Next, select the Role that this contact is performing in regards to this lease. In the example, we selected John J Madison as the Contact and will assign the role of Lessor to this contact.
Note: The Roles dropdown list is managed and maintained in the Admin Setting Application Values section. Please refer to Admin Application User Defined Field Values to modify these values.
Additional Roles or Responsibilities can be added as new labels to the Role Dropdown list to ensure you capture all of the contact details defined in a lease.
After the contact is selected and the role that contact is performing in regards to this lease is selected, click on the Add Contact button highlighted below by the red arrow. The contact information will be linked to this lease and will be displayed as show below. The contact can be removed from the lease by clicking Remove.
To access additional detailed information on the contact, rollover the contact row with your cursor and a popup of the additional details will be displayed