Release 2021.02
Release 2021.02 was deployed into Production on 9/5/2021 and includes enhancements to the reports and lease accounting
- Expired leases have been added to the reporting and to the Portfolio Accounting amortization and journal entry building process to allow the review of expired leases in a reporting period. Prior to this release, only leases with "Active" and "Early Termination" statuses were included in the Accounting Amortization calculation and the reports. In R2021.02 expired leases have been included to allow for past lease analysis. The error message that was associated with a lease that has a status of Active but an expiration date less than the current has been changed to a Warning so that the Accounting page can be used with expired leases.
- The Lease Payment Summary Report has been updated with Square feet
- Infrastructure/Technical Stack: The programming language that is used for iLeasePro is PHP. The iLeasePro PHP software has been updated to PHP 7.4. Two new environments have been added to increase the ability to test all new changes and enhancements; Development Environment and Staging Environment. The Staging Environment is accessible to clients to test any new release prior to its move to Production.
- A change to the Reports page to remove the Create PDF option was made. If you are interested in creating a PDF of a report you should click on the Print and print to a PDF rather than a printer.