Setup a user to have read-only access to iLeasePro?
iLeasePro offers two types of user access; Admin and User. Admin access provides full access entitlement to all features and data within your iLeasePro account. Only Admin's can setup Users with restrictive entitlements.
To setup Read-Only access for a User
- Setup a new user with access to the Portfolio features user can access. These are Read-Only feature.
- Do not select any features in the Lease features user can access section.
- Select the Group and Sub-Groups that you would like the User to have access to
- Click Save
When this User logs into iLeasePro they will see a display similar to the page below. But when they click on a lease they will not have access to any of the lease features to update the data.
Please refer to the iLeasePro Help Guide - Account-Setting-User-Management-and-Access-Rights for more detailed guidance on setting up users.