Lease Property Detail Data Descriptions
Property Table | Field Type | Max Length | Special Format | Field Description | |
PropertiesTitle | Required | Text | 200 | Description of Property | |
PropertiesStreet1 | Optional | Text | 200 | Physical Property Address | |
PropertiesStreet2 | Optional | Text | 200 | Physical Property Address Additional, If Needed | |
PropertiesCity | Optional | Text | 200 | Physical Property City | |
PropertiesState | Optional | Text | 2 | Dropdown | Physical Property State; Example "MA" for Massachusetts |
PropertiesZip | Optional | Text | 5 | Physical Property ZipCode | |
PropertiesGrossSqFt | Optional | Number | 20 | Property Total Gross Square Feet | |
PropertiesRentSqFt | Optional | Number | 20 | Property Total Rentable Square Feet | |
PropertiesLotSize | Optional | Number | 20 | Property Lot Size | |
PropertiesZoning | Optional | Text | 200 | Property Zoning District | |
PropertiesYearBuilt | Optional | Number | 5 | Dropdown | Year the Property was built |
PropertiesFairMarketValue | Optional | Decimal | 20,2 | Current Fair Market Value of the Property | |
PropertiesMarket | Optional | Text | 200 | Real Estate Market the property resides in | |
PropertiesSubmarket | Optional | Text | 200 | Real Estate Submarket the Property resides in | |
PropertiesFloors | Optional | Number | 11 | Dropdown | Total number of floors in the Property |
PropertiesApn | Optional | Text | 200 | Assessor’s Parcel Number of the Property | |
PropertiesMaxContSqFt | Optional | Number | 20 | Maximum Continuous Square Feet | |
PropertiesParkingSpaces | Optional | Number | 9 | Total number of parking spots for Property | |
PropertiesReservedParkingSpaces | Optional | Number | 9 | Number of Reserved Parking Spaces for Property | |
PropertiesAirConditioning | Optional | Boolean | 5 | Dropdown | Does Property have Air Conditioning (True/False) |
PropertiesTypeOfHeat | Optional | Text | 50 | Dropdown | What type of heating system does the Property have |
PropertiesSprinklerSystem | Optional | Boolean | 5 | Dropdown | Does Property have Sprinkler System (True/False) |
PropertiesElevators | Optional | Number | 9 | Dropdown | Total number of elevators does the Property have |
PropertiesAgeOfRoof | Optional | Number | 9 | What is the age of the roof of the property | |
PropertiesTypeId | Optional | Number | 11 | Dropdown | From Application Values: Property Type |